Grace Students
Check out our InstagramWeekly Gatherings
Grace Students meets weekly, on Sunday Nights at Grace, from 5:30-7:00! Sunday Nights with Grace Students look different from week to week, but each time we meet, we mix fun, fellowship, Bible study, and Small Groups with the goal of connecting students to Jesus, while also establishing and building connections amongst one another. You can find our Fall Schedule below.
Small Groups
We connect students with adult leaders who care about them and want to see them grow and thrive with Jesus. Small Groups are the backbone of our ministry, as they allow students a relational opportunity to discuss what the Lord is doing in their lives while building a culture of family amongst their peers.
While we love meeting weekly, we believe that there is a something special about the way the Lord moves when students are able to break free from routine and spend an extended time focused on Him. We have events each semester that create these environments, both locally and on trips and retreats.
Have we met?
Hi, I'm Kyle Tolbert. Please contact me with any questions that you have about Grace Students.